I am pleased to announce that we have formally launched the search for the next president of Ashland University. I am grateful to the AU community for providing valuable input and insight that helped inform the 总统搜索 Committee's understanding of the skills and attributes and important work ahead for Ashland's next leader. 我们与学术搜索的合作伙伴合作,准备了一份 总统竞选招股说明书 提供AU的概览, 概述领导议程的关键要素, 描述下一任总统的理想特征.
的 search 招股说明书 will be used to introduce Ashland and the presidential opportunity to prospective candidates. 的 position will be advertised in a wide variety of publications beginning this week, 正式的招聘程序也将开始. 的 Academic 搜索 team will be busy in the coming weeks as presidential candidates are identified and actively encouraged to apply. 如果你知道你想推荐的人, 请将他们的姓名和联系方式发送到 AshlandPresident@academicsearch.org.
当我们开始搜寻的时候, it is important to note that we are committed to conducting the search in a manner that will attract the strongest possible pool of candidates for consideration. This commitment requires protecting the confidentiality of candidates who enter the search process. 我们期望我们的许多候选人将是非常杰出的, visible leaders whose current positions would be in jeopardy should their identities become known. I hope you will understand how our commitment to confidentiality serves Ashland's best interests and precludes wide participation from the campus community. 然而, 当最终候选人接受面试时, 我们希望能够把这些候选人介绍给一小部分教员, 工作人员, 和学生, 谁会保证为候选人保密, 就像我们的遴选委员会成员一样. 随着搜寻过程的展开,我们将了解更多,对此有更多要说的.
We are excited about this work and have confidence the search will bring us a dynamic and innovative leader who will advance and strengthen Ashland for the future.
的 总统搜索网页 会在搜索过程中提供更新吗. 在此期间,祝大家圣诞快乐,新年快乐.